Friday, January 11, 2008


I don't have any original thoughts about politics, but I am starting to find a place that I think is compatible with my relationship with God and my place in this earth.
Jesus asked those who wanted to be his disciples to adapt a radical way of living life (ie turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, love the poor). I am working on making those an integral part of my world view.
Living it personally for me was seperated from a corporate or national application. I guess it was part of the way that I was educated, and my lily white heritage that caused me to view Christianity as a completely individualistic decision. In fact there was very little value for identity other than an extreme form of nationalism
The way I was taught the meaning of the book of Galatians was that there is only one way to be a true child of Abraham and that was through a individual decision to accept Jesus as Savior. There is no more corporate salvation. I am not sure I was taught anything beyond that, but the extension I made was that following the teaching of Jesus (Matthew 5-7) is an invitation to individuals.
I am quite sure that if Jesus were to give us application of his teaching to our current situation, he would tell us that as churches, cities, states, and a country, there is blessing available to following his teaching (ie turn the other cheek - even if it involve terrorists) as a group.
I am not proposing that followers of Jesus should seek politcal office so that they can lead the country in some kind of Christian ceremony, or nationalize discipleship. Rather, we should be modeling the right behavior by the way we talk about terrorists, and other people who we have decided are evil.
The reason I am thinking about this now is due to my struggle to decide who I will vote for (or even if I will vote). I am trying to find a way to take the teachings of Jesus and apply it to choosing someone to lead our country in the best way. I have heard a whole lot of rhetoric from both the left and the right the republicans and democrats, but very little substance.
I am not sure that any of the 10 republicans or 10 democrats would make an iota of difference if they were elected president. I wish someone who would offer a real change. Not a National Pastor, but someone who would be thoughtful in executing his office in a way that would be less offensive to the world and cause less offense to the world who sees us as a Christian Nation.

1 comment:

David Bedsole said...

That's always the rub; to vote or not to vote. For me, I've decided that it's passive not to vote. But then again, my best friend isn't voting. And his brother is the attorney general!