Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have been trying to find a way to create community. (I assume from the books and conversations that I have experienced that I am not alone in that endeavor). I have studied the subject and tried to put on paper the necessary elements, guidelines, for starting - maintaining community.
Even when I had people willing to enter community covenant with me, the structure became a barrier to the community we were trying to create.

In our new neighborhood, we have neighbors that we have only known for 1 month. Last night we just dropped over to say hi. We stayed for 2 hours and had political debate, laughter (intense smiling for Catharine) and lots more. We hadn't seen them for 4 days and it was great to catch up with them.

We don't have any formal structure. We realized early on that we had shared values: 1) expanding the kingdom in our neighborhood 2) openess and being real 3) desire for community

But the biggest reason we are finding it easy is that we enjoy being with them. That creates an environment where we will seek to live life together and we have the chips we need to confront each other.

I am really excited about this huge opportunity, but I have no idea how to help you find it.

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