Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random Thoughts Conservative vrs Liberal

1. Big Business vrs Socialism
I don't like the alternatives. It is very clear in the last few months that big business was padding their own pockets with blatant disregard for the country, the economy and even their own companies. The other side is socialism. I am not in favor of pure socialism where everyone gets an equal share of everything, but I am also not in favor of moderated socialism where everyone gets some of somethings.

The way the dialogue happens is cast by both sides, the donkey and the elephant. The donkey says the right choice is big business, and the elephant's platform and actions confirm the donkey's accusation that the elephant only cares about big business.
The other side of the dialogue the republicans say the democrats have a socialist agenda and everything I have seen in the last 6 months confirms that Obama, Pelosi, and Reed have an agenda that I consider to be socialist and not in the best interest of anyone.

I don't think anyone making 7 figures a year should have any say on minimum wage. It seems to me that some one making $19,367 a week should not be speaking out about people making less than $10 an hour which comes out to be about $22,000 a year.

2. Hawk vrs Dove

I have been a hawk most of my life. I served in the military as did my father, my grandfather, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and nieces. I prayed for the country to win wars. I called for the destruction of our enemy.

I don't want to be a hawk. I think that Jesus calls me to a new position. I don't think it looks like the doves of this country. I believe that I can not ignore evil doers. I can not let terrorist, bullies, or fools do bad things to innocent people. I must find a non-violent way to call attention to their bad behavior and encourage them to change. On the other hand I believe the government leaders have a mandate from God to protect the people they govern. I would not want the job of deciding how to protect a nation, but that is what my elected officials are supposed to provide for me.

2. Pro-Life vrs Pro-Choice

I don't think anyone can know precisely (the right second, minute, hour or even day) when life is conceived. I am pretty sure it doesn't happen when a baby is born and I am equally certain it does not begin the day of sexual intercourse.

I don't like that both sides demand that I make a choice that fits their harshly drawn lines.

I love babies. We have 6 children and I am already anxiously awaiting the time in a few years when grandchildren begin to arrive. I want to protect all children

I love mothers who invest in their lives, but I also love 20 year old girls whose drinking problems have caused them to act with abandon. I have never met a woman who had an abortion because she had set out intentionally to have an abortion. I have met some women who spoke callously about their abortions, but I am guessing it was a shield for them to protect themselves from conversations about painful events in their lives.

I also love toddlers, pre-schoolers, and elementary kids. I have lived in the inner city and seen kids whose lives are filled with abuse, pain and suffering. Unfortunately these kids are likely to end up in a hopeless life and repeat the cycle of pain, and abuse.

I don't think the answer is mass abortions, but I think Jesus followers need to invest their time, energy, effort, and money and in serving and helping change the poverty cycle in our big cities.

Don't try to make me fit in your tidy little categories.

4. Gay Marriage vrs Gay Castration

The evil hatred that I have seen directed toward homosexual men and women is grotesque. The fear mongering done on christian radio and television about the homosexual agenda to destroy our Christian values, take our children, and ruin our marriages is laughable. I am not afraid to have my children around homosexual people. They are not all pedophiles any more than all pastors are pedophiles. They don't need to be castrated.

I support the right of a gay couple to have each other in the hospital room on their death bed and various other important rights, but I don't understand their need to be married. I don't think that a gay couple needs to have a marriage. Civil Unions accomplish most of their objectives.

There are probably other issues. I don't want to be left or right, republican or democrat, conservative or liberal. I want to make up my mind on each issue. I want to be able to have a conversation with out being called the enemy.

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